How to Keep Flies Away from Your Picnic

How to Keep Flies Away from Your Picnic


Are you tired of pesky flies buzzing around your delicious picnic spread, causing chaos and frustration? Picture this: you’ve laid out a beautiful picnic blanket, set up your favorite snacks and treats, only to have unwelcome guests swoop in and steal the show. Flies can quickly turn a delightful outdoor dining experience into a nightmare, but fear not! In this article, I’ll guide you through practical tips and tricks to keep flies at bay and ensure your picnic remains a peaceful and enjoyable affair.

Flies not only disrupt the serenity of your picnic but also pose a health hazard by contaminating your food with germs and bacteria. The last thing you want is to risk foodborne illnesses or spoil the fun with constant swatting and shooing. By understanding the impact flies can have on your outdoor dining experience, you’ll be motivated to take proactive measures to protect your picnic and keep those bothersome insects away. Let’s dive in and discover the secrets to a fly-free feast!

Understanding Flies

Types of Flies Commonly Found at Picnics

When it comes to picnics, there are a few notorious fly species that tend to make unwelcome appearances. The most common culprits include house flies, fruit flies, and blow flies. House flies are known for their persistent buzzing and scavenging behavior, while fruit flies are attracted to ripe fruits and sweet beverages. On the other hand, blow flies are drawn to decaying organic matter, making them particularly unpleasant guests at outdoor gatherings.

Behavior and Habits of Flies That Make Them Attracted to Food

Flies have a keen sense of smell and are naturally drawn to food sources by the scent of decaying organic matter. They are also attracted to sugary substances, fruits, and moist environments. Flies play a crucial role in the ecosystem by aiding in decomposition, but their presence at picnics can be disruptive and unhygienic. Understanding the behavior and habits of flies can help you implement effective strategies to deter them and protect your outdoor dining experience. Let’s explore ways to outsmart these pesky insects and enjoy a fly-free picnic!

Natural Remedies to Keep Flies Away

Planting Herbs for Protection

When it comes to repelling flies naturally, herbs are your best friends. Basil, mint, and lavender are not only aromatic additions to your garden but also powerful allies in keeping flies at bay. These fragrant herbs emit scents that flies find unpleasant, acting as a natural deterrent to protect your picnic spread. By strategically planting these herbs around your picnic area, you create a barrier that flies are less likely to breach, ensuring a peaceful outdoor dining experience.

Harnessing the Power of Essential Oils

Essential oils have long been celebrated for their therapeutic properties, and they can also be potent weapons in the battle against flies. Citronella, eucalyptus, and lemongrass essential oils are known for their insect-repelling qualities, making them ideal for crafting homemade fly repellents. Simply dilute a few drops of these oils in water and spray the solution around your picnic area to create a fly-free zone. Not only will your picnic smell delightful, but you’ll also enjoy the added benefit of keeping flies at a safe distance.

Creating Fly Traps for Effective Control

For a hands-on approach to fly control, consider setting up fly traps using household items like apple cider vinegar or sugar water. Flies are attracted to the sweet scent of these substances, leading them straight into the trap and away from your food. Place these traps strategically around your picnic area to intercept any incoming flies and prevent them from disrupting your outdoor feast. With these natural remedies in your arsenal, you’ll be equipped to enjoy a fly-free picnic in the great outdoors.

Physical Barriers to Prevent Flies

Using Food Covers or Mesh Netting

When it comes to keeping flies away from your picnic, physical barriers can be your best friend. Invest in food covers or mesh netting to create a protective shield around your delicious spread. These barriers not only keep flies at bay but also prevent other unwanted guests, such as ants or bees, from disrupting your outdoor dining experience. With a simple covering, you can enjoy your picnic in peace without constant interruptions.

Keeping Food and Drinks in Sealed Containers

Flies are attracted to the scent of food from miles away, so it’s essential to store your snacks and drinks in sealed containers. By sealing off access to your culinary delights, you’ll make it much harder for flies to detect and reach their target. Opt for airtight containers that lock in freshness and flavors while keeping pesky insects out. Not only will this safeguard your food from contamination, but it will also ensure a more enjoyable and stress-free picnic for you and your guests.

Cleaning up Spills and Crumbs Promptly

One surefire way to attract flies to your picnic is by leaving behind spills and crumbs that serve as a tempting buffet for these winged nuisances. To deter flies and maintain a clean eating environment, make it a habit to clean up any spills or crumbs promptly. Carry a small brush or cloth to wipe down surfaces and dispose of any food remnants in a sealed trash bag. By eliminating potential food sources, you’ll significantly reduce the chances of flies crashing your picnic party.

Tips for a Fly-Free Picnic

Choosing the Right Location

When setting up for your picnic, location matters more than you might think. Avoid areas near trash cans or standing water, as these spots are magnets for flies searching for food sources. Opt for a clean, open space with good airflow to minimize the chances of unwanted fly visitors. By strategically selecting your picnic spot, you can proactively reduce the likelihood of fly interference and enjoy a more peaceful outdoor dining experience.

Timing Is Key

Timing can make all the difference when it comes to keeping flies away from your picnic. Flies tend to be most active during certain times of the day, such as late morning and early evening. Plan your picnic outside of these peak fly activity hours to minimize the risk of encountering swarms of insects. By scheduling your outdoor feast at the right time, you can maximize your enjoyment and minimize fly-related disruptions.

Portable Fan Power

One ingenious way to deter flies from crashing your picnic is by bringing along a portable fan. Flies are naturally repelled by moving air, so setting up a small fan near your dining area can create a gentle breeze that keeps them at bay. Not only does the fan help cool you down on a hot day, but it also serves as a natural fly deterrent, providing a simple yet effective solution to enjoy a fly-free meal outdoors.


In conclusion, mastering the art of keeping flies away from your picnic is not only a practical skill but also a game-changer for your outdoor dining adventures. By implementing natural remedies, physical barriers, and smart tips, you can create a fly-free zone and enjoy your picnic in peace. Remember, a little preparation goes a long way in ensuring a delightful dining experience surrounded by nature’s beauty.

So, the next time you plan a picnic, arm yourself with these effective strategies and say goodbye to unwanted fly intruders. With a dash of creativity and a sprinkle of prevention, you can savor every bite of your favorite picnic treats without the buzz of flies disrupting your enjoyment. Embrace the power of proactive fly control and elevate your picnic game to new heights. Here’s to picnics filled with laughter, good food, and zero flies!